Fridays Finds...

After play school on Friday we usually nip into town to have a look around and go to a cafe - May's favourite thing! After a nice cuppa tea we went off to primark to find some shoes for a new dress I bought the other week, which I love love love. It's from Diana Vickers' new range and is very 60s. Anyways, I need some new shoes now to go with but of course there's never any to be found when you're looking is there? But yet always millions when you're not, how does that work?!? I did pick up a cute pair for May tho, some 'faux' pearls and a lovely little daisy headband.
So we gave up on the shoe search and went to good old TKMaxx instead, though it was obviously one of those days coz it was a bit dissapointing in there too! I did however get this picture frame for £3.00! for this beautiful print I've been wanting to frame for a while and picked up this tray for £1.49 from B&M bargains! yay!
My mum has been teaching me how to use her old sewing machine and I'm super excited that I can actually do it! My first make was the table cloth on the little side table and last night I made May a skirt, pictures to follow! I'm excited, I think I've got the sewing bug, any suggestions what else to try to make as a beginner?
Hope you all have a great weekend, it's yucky yuckison weather here! here's hoping mr sunshine makes at least one appearance this half term


  1. Lovely finds and well done with the sewing. I'm still pretty much a beginner but can manage cushion covers (easiest with envelope opening), basic shopping bags (think cath k book bag) and simple bunting! Have fun! xxx


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