
The little one's been pooly for the past few days which has meant lots of long nights of snuggling. Typically it's just in time for the easter hols! fingers crossed she'll be on the mend soon! We even had to miss her first easter fair at school (she's only been going a couple months, 2 mornings a week) so I've taken a couple pics of her in her hand made easter bonnet to take into school when they go back.
The weather here has been just beautiful though it didn't last long coz the rain has taken over again! boo! Just as I was getting used to not needing to wear 5 layers of clothing, what a treat it was to be outside with a hat, coat, gloves, boots etc!
I have lots of lovely pics of some beautiful and very exciting gifts I received for mothers day (thanks mum!) and early birthday pressies but that'll have to wait just a little longer til I have more time...though lets just say all those CK fans out there are going to be just a little bit envious! hehe!



  1. Hi April, thanks for your comments on my blog. I was gtaeful for the comment on my dolls, it was lovely to have an enquiry about them.
    I am opening an etsy shop, but am still in the process of sorting it out. I also had another idea for people who may be interested, a kind of swap. As I can't buy magazines here from the UK, I was wondering if anyone mught send me magazines in exchange for a doll. This might be something that could interest you. I can make a doll with hair etc that you choose or I can make one like some on my blog. Thee are Japanesey looking ones and I did a blonde one. I hope this answers your question. Forgive me, I tend to ramble on. xxx

  2. Hello again. I am making some dolls at the mo, so they will hopeflly be finished by the time you are back online. Happy belated birthday. xxx


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