"It Does Not Do To Dwell On Dreams and Forget To Live."
hallo hallo! How ya diddling? My goodness it's been a long time since I last wrote. So much has changed and almost nothing at all has. I always find writing blogs so hard, it's like if I was chatting and laughing away with a friend and then someone shoved a camera in my face I'd just go all shy and not know what to say. My daughter on the other hand does not have that problem, although that may or may not have something to do with the fact that she has basically grown up - like most kids these days - with a camera or phone or ipad or tablet thrust in front of her face whilst she is asked to continously say "cheeeeese!" whilst the perfect shot is achieved. I am not even comfortable with the world of 'selfies!' although my mum and I have taken to sending the occasional selfie to each other for a laugh. People actually must spend hours taking pictures of themselves to post on facebook and instagram! I know I'd have to take at least 100 before I got o...